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International work through Ninjou

An international person working remotely.

International work through Ninjou

Ninjou offers a flexible and efficient way to work internationally, combining entrepreneurial freedom with employee security. Our service allows you to focus on your work while we take care of the bureaucracy and employer obligations.

Employer of Record (EOR) service

Our EOR service allows you to work for foreign clients without worrying about administrative tasks. Our EOR service allows you to work for foreign clients without worrying about administrative tasks. We handle the contracts and pay your wages on time. In practice, we will enter into a labour hire agreement with the client company, but we also offer a substitute payment service if you want to conclude an employment contract directly with the employee. We handle the contracts and pay the wages on time.

Development, consulting and design work

Through Ninjou, you can invoice and get paid directly for development, consulting and design projects. Our services cover all industries, ensuring a secure and smooth working relationship.

Contact us by calling or texting +358 45 679 08 09 / Jani Puustinen or by emailing .

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